These delicious no-bake pie recipes don’t require an oven

Step aside, hot apple pie! Baked pies may be perfect for fall, but this summer is all about unbaked pies. From self-hardening pies filled with your favorite fresh fruit to perfectly decadent pies for chocolate lovers, TikTok has you covered with a variety of delicious self-hardening dessert inspiration. Here are five no-bake pies you need to try!

  1. No-Bake Peanut Butter Pie

If you love peanut butter, you need to try this no-bake peanut butter pie. Start by grabbing a pre-made whole wheat cookie crust. Then, in a bowl, mix cream cheese, peanut butter and powdered sugar until it gets fluffy. Add the crushed peanuts and vanilla extract and mix again. Then spoon the mixture into the crust and top with crushed peanuts. Drizzle with chocolate and refrigerate until the pie is cool enough to serve!

  1. No-Bake Kool-Aid Pie

This summer’s Kool-Aid pie is sure to be a hit with the kids! To do this, pour the sweetened condensed milk into a bowl. You can use any flavor you like, but TikToker @katielarimore uses cherries. Next, mix the Cool Whip into the bowl to complete the filling. Spoon the mixture into the pre-made whole wheat cookie crust. Then freeze for an hour and dig in!

  1. Self-hardening Blueberry Cream Pie

If you’re craving a fruity pie, try this no-bake blueberry cream pie! Start by making a whole wheat cookie crust by mixing whole wheat cookie crumbs and melted butter. Add the whole wheat cookie crust to the bottom of the baking dish. Then mix cream cheese, heavy cream, cinnamon, Greek yogurt and maple syrup and add to the crust. Next, heat the blueberries, sugar, lemon zest, water and flour in a pan. Once the mixture has thickened, let it cool. Then add it to the cream cheese layer. Cool the pie and serve!

  1. No Bake Oreo Pie

This no-bake Oreo pie is chocolatey and delicious! To make it, melt white chocolate chips and mix them with heavy cream, cream cheese, powdered sugar, Greek yogurt and vanilla extract. Chop up the Oreos and mix them into the cream cheese mixture. Pour the mixture into the Oreo crust and place in the refrigerator to chill. Meanwhile, make ganache by mixing chocolate chips with hot cream. Spread the ganache on top of the pie. Then top with whipped cream and Oreos. 5.

  1. No-Bake Pineapple Cream Pie

For maximum tropical flavor, try this pineapple cream pie! Start by mixing cream cheese, sugar and coconut cream until smooth. Then drain the canned crushed pineapple and mix into the batter. Gently fold in a little Cool Whip, then spoon it into the pre-made whole wheat cookie crust. Top the pie with more canned pineapple and chill before enjoying!

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