First Outdoor Shoot Post Covid-19 Lockdown

Since the coronavirus has been causing so much trouble in our lives, it’s been a hot time since I’ve shared anything on the blog. At first it was fun and games and I even started doing legitimate cooking, but then slowly washing dishes every day, facing life, etc. became a bit heavy. There are some good days where I count my blessings, give thanks for what I have, or just get drunk and poop, and then some days are a fucking struggle. I do my best to at least be consistent on Instagram, but my bloggity blog is kind of left out. Then the “unlocking” happened – whatever the fuck that is, because we’re still pretty scared to go out (at least I am). But eventually, for the sake of my sanity, I did get out – I’ve still only been to my parents’ and Naina’s places a few times (to people’s places usually just to hand/pick up things at the door or be far enough away from them to have minimal contact and not for long), have a girlfriend over for beer and lunch, and now frequent another very close friend’s place (far enough away from them to be able to get a beer). close friend’s place (close to me) to practice yoga with two super cool idiots (one of whom is actually trained to teach yoga, so that works well for the other two of us). I can’t begin to tell you how much this (going to a friend’s house most mornings and practicing yoga for about 1.5 hours, followed by a cold drink, then cooling off for a while, reading/worrying/etc.) has helped me mentally. If it makes any sense and feels really fucking good, it frees me from confusion. None of this has much to do with my outdoor shooting, but I guess it’s a way for me to thank Prateeq, Devang, and Sahil for being so nice to me.

Maybe because I feel so “here” right now, it’s only natural to want to dress up when I step outside (just a little, because personally, I’d be perfectly happy spending my life in boxer shorts, t-shirts and sweatshirts) and go to my folks’ place today and do a quick impromptu shoot around it — just like the old days. I didn’t care that it was hot, I was sweating, it was windy, my hair was everywhere, and now I have hair on almost every square inch of my skin. It feels great. I hope you guys like the outfit, and if you’re the least bit offended by my politically incorrect language in this post – you can go fuck yourself right now.

{ outfit details }
T-shirt: super old from Forever21
Skirt: UrbanSuburban
Sneakers: Truffle Collection
Mask: Nakhrewaali
My photos courtesy of Aman Godara
I hope you enjoyed this post!

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