Quarantine Birthday | In The Times Of Covid-19

I know that I (and the planet as a whole) am just a blip in the bigger scheme of the universe yada yada yada but this was my first isolated birthday and I really wanted to document it because insta posts are too damn fleeting. So here’s a quick update on what I did for my birthday while I was on lockdown (not alone, luckily I had Aman make all the fabulous cocktails for me) and of course photos from the day.

The day before I had baked myself a healthy, vegan, grain-free, processed sugar-free cake because I had 6 bananas that were starting to get too ripe to eat as is or even use in my almost daily smoothie consumption, so this was the best way I could think to use them. I usually make muffins with these, so I followed the same muffin recipe but put them all in one baking dish. My advice – don’t do that. Because my cakes get very dense and moist (probably because I usually use 6 bananas instead of 4). Luckily, I like the wet cake bordering the pie, which actually tastes great, especially with the rich coffee glaze I put on top (it’s basically dalgona coffee, or what Indians call “phenti” hui coffee, which translates to well-brewed coffee)

I made sure I took a shower the day before too – just in case I felt too depressed to get up or take a shower on my actual birthday (I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with my birthday, mostly because I’m probably afraid of getting older but still like to to have fun). So I got up and got ready for the day I woke up on my birthday, luckily without feeling depressed (I saved those feelings for the next day and boy did they enter – I spent the entire second day in bed – partly because I was hungover and partly because, well, I’m a year older).
I made sure I was dressed up, so I wore these extra neon dress pants (shorts that look like a skirt), a plain white t-shirt because I love those, and two extra necklaces, one with a hint of neon to go with my dress – yes, I went there. Did some cool makeup and put on dark purple lipstick because I think that’s what I had in mind that day, and I think it was at 12 p.m. when the drinking started. We started with a martini, then a Coke Cola, added a few beers to the mix, and ended the night with some explosive LIITS. Somewhere in the middle I of course cut the cake, Aman sang a shy little Happy Birthday to me (still grateful), I did a “house party” (app) with some close friends that was totally smashed, put the conversation on the TV screen to make it feel more like real life, had a midnight maggi, and at 1 or 2 am had a midnight party. and passing out at 1am or 2am.
All in all, I would say it was a good day. Missed out on things I usually do – which is almost the same thing, but with my family.

Slept like a baby and woke up with a horrible hangover which, combined with the hateful part of that relationship on my birthday, made me extremely miserable the next day. But that passed and I was back to real life the next day.

I hope you guys had a great time reading about my day. I’m still trying to figure out what kind of stuff I can share on the blog, because honestly being on lockdown isn’t enough of an incentive to create new blog posts, although I usually like to do that. Do you like reading this kind of stuff? Would you like to read more stuff like this? Let me know, because frankly, I’m lost.

Keep the strong hugs away from me.
BTW – here’s a link to the blog post I wrote on my last birthday – oh how positive and hopeful I was then, haha!

Give yourself some cake hehehe

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