A Journey Of Scent

Scent is an invisible element of style.

Not only does it tie fashion and everything in your home together, but scent is one of your strongest senses and one of the easiest ways to recall memories! Finding luxurious scents that make me feel good feels like my own vacation. A moment of reprieve and relaxation anywhere in the world, at any time of day.

That’s why I’m excited to partner with Dr. Vranjes Firenze to take you on a scent journey. Dr. Vranjes Firenze is an incredible Italian brand with a long history …… they know their scents! Each scent is created by master perfumer Dr Vranjes. Even their diffuser bottles are handmade by Florentine artisans and are inspired by the octagonal base of the Brunelleschi dome in Florence, a tribute to the cathedral!

I love diffusers, especially around my noisy girls, so I don’t have to worry about an open flame like a candle. (Don’t get me wrong, I love a good candle too!) What I especially like about Dr Vranjes Firenze diffusers is that they are designed to ensure that the scent continues to diffuse into whatever space you are in that lasts.

PETALI DI ROSE – My mother’s rose garden
When I was growing up, my mom had a rose garden, which in retrospect probably wasn’t that big – but when I was a kid, it felt like a whole different world. When the roses were in bloom, the smell was incredible. I’ve been fortunate enough to see many rose gardens since then, but it wasn’t until I smelled Petali Di Rose that I was transported back to those moments when my mom was in her garden. I keep this in my bedroom.

If you know me, then you know that one of my favorite things in the world is to treat myself to a nice spa day. From my family to my business …… emails, meetings, and phone calls …… I work 24/7 around the clock! So when I get the chance to make some time for myself, I take it. For that reason, I keep Lavando Timo in my bathroom! When I first smelled it, I immediately entered the spa. It’s luxurious and rich, yet quiet and relaxing at the same time. I keep this in my bathroom.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you may remember the lemon tree in the backyard of my old house. Smelling Giardino Di Boboli immediately takes me back to my first days with Colette, picking lemons from that tree when I could barely talk with Chloe! I keep this in my living room.

Each of Dr. Vranjes Firenze’s wonderful scents is like a time capsule of a memory or a place – in the whirlwind of my life right now, taking the time to allow myself to feel those memories and go to those places is priceless. Thank you so much to the friends of Dr. Vranjes Firenze for sponsoring this post!

Buy Petali Di Rose | Shop Lavando Timo | Shop Giardino Di Boboli

What scents unlock memories for you? Let me know in the comments below!

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